Cookie notifications


Our website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file made up of letters and numbers that we store on your computer (subject to your consent). According to these cookies, we can distinguish you from other users of the website and adapt the operation of our website so that the website can be browsed better. At the same time, we can improve it. In our cookie policy, you will find complete information about the types of cookies we use and the purposes for which they are used. By continuing to use this website, you agree to the use of cookies.

Our policy on the use of cookies
What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that we (subject to your consent) stores on your computer or device. Cookies can have many uses. We will explain them in more detail in the following section.


You can block or remove cookies through a web browser or third-party software. However, if you do so, there may be a problem with some websites. By continuing to use the website, you agree to the use of cookies.

What are cookies used on websites?

Cookies have a number of different tasks. Here are some examples:


They may contain your preferences. Some activities can then be performed more easily.
They may collect anonymous usage information (such as the number of people who use our reseller search tool). We use this information to offer you better and better services.
These files may store information that you have visited our website, and online advertisers may use this information to tailor their message to you – for example, by posting an ad to another company’s website that promotes our products.


Remember: you can block or remove cookies at any time, but if you do, the stored information will be permanently deleted.

Cookies used on this website

We use four categories of cookies on our website:

1. Essential cookies

These are cookies that the website cannot do without. For example, we include cookies that allow you to go to the right pages if we update the way the website works in some way.

2. Traffic related cookies

These cookies collect information about how visitors use the website. If any errors occur, they will help us understand them, and also allow us to try out new features. We do not collect information that could directly identify visitors. The data is aggregated and anonymous. We use this information to improve the functionality of the website.

3. Cookies required by the functions

These cookies help us to operate specific functions on the website, with which you will be better used. For example, they may contain your preferences (such as the one you selected), find out if we have already offered you a particular service (such as questionnaires), or make more complex decisions (such as a specific product that interests you).

4. Targeting or advertising cookies

These cookies record your visits to the website, as well as the pages you have visited and the links you have visited. We use this information to make our website and the ads that appear on it more relevant to what you are interested in. For this purpose, we may also share the information with third parties. It is also used to monitor the success of advertising campaigns.


Please note that cookies may also be used by third parties (such as ad networks or external service providers, such as web analytics). We have no control over these cookies. These cookies can be expected to be traffic or targeting cookies.